Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Why send Audi to the moon?

                                             COLLECTSPACE.COM  answers this question
                                             in Robert Z. Pearlman's  November 29th article
                                           on PT Scientists' (Part-Time Scientists) endeavour
                                               to win the $30 million Google Lunar XPRIZE.

            Link to: Part Time Scientists reserves rocket to land Audi moon rovers at Apollo 17 site

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


                               Bruce Dorminey concisely presents DEEP SPACE INDUSTRIES
                                            in one of his November 2016 articles in FORBES.

                                          Link to: Bruce Dorminey's article on DSI in FORBES

                                       Another highly informative article on DSI's business plan
                                   was written by Sarah Scoles for WIRED.COM  and is entitled:

                                 How to Succeed in the Asteroid Business Without Really Mining

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

CYGNUS: A Multipurpose Space Freighter

                                      "SUPPLY CRAFT, DUSTCART and SCIENCE LAB"
                                  How to make the most of what cannot be recycled in space.

                                                 Link to: International Space Station page

                                                 Link to: Orbital ATK

                                                 Link to: AES Spacecraft Fire Safety Demonstration (Saffire)

Monday, 14 November 2016

Sunday, 13 November 2016

A tangible example of the ups and downs of space exploration?

                       OR: The wrong sort of "space harvesting", as experienced in Myanmar
                                                 (and fortunately "not in Mybackyard")

                            Link to: BBC NEWS " ... Mystery object lands at jade mine."

                                           Obviously, a lot more work needs to be done
                                      on reducing, controlling and removing "space junk"!

                             Link to: The European Space Agency's page on Space Debris

Saturday, 12 November 2016

"The Space Nation": Room for another dream?

                                                   " Welcome to ASGARDIA ! "

"... Asgardia's legal envelope includes the creation of a new legal platform for the exploration of near-Earth and deep space. ‘Universal space law’ and ‘astropolitics’ have to replace international space law and geopolitics.   ...

  ... And of course we are going to make use of crowd funding and sourcing, and private donations. And we welcome cooperation with new partners and investors. ... "

                           (Quoted from Asgardia Concept page - as found on 12 Nov. 2016)

                      Link to: Concept "Asgardia - the Space Nation" by Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli

Friday, 11 November 2016

Space Poker: Luxembourg's New Trump Card

                                A new draft law on the exploration and use of space resources
                    for commercial purposes has been formally presented to the international press.

                                 Luxembourg will thus be the second country in the world
                                      and the first in Europe to set out a legal framework
                                      "ensuring that private operators working in space
                    can be confident about their rights to the resources they extract in outer space".

Link to: Luxembourg’s New Space Law Guarantees Private Companies the Right to Resources Harvested in Outer Space in Accordance with International Law

Link to: ECSL European Centre for Space Law


Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Rocket science / space for business: ULA, SpaceX and Blue Origin

                                                     Fortune (magazine) reporting 
                                            on space flights no longer costing a fortune.

                               Link to: "The Great Rocket Race" by Clay Dillow in FORTUNE

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Agreement finalized between Planetary Resources, Inc. and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

                                   A small step by a small country in the right direction ?

"Planetary Resources and the Government of Luxembourg finalize €25 Million investment and cooperation agreement with first commercial asteroid prospecting mission to launch by 2020." 

                                        Link to full article on website